Visual Facilitator
Amy Chan is a professional facilitator, business coach and visual facilitator. Since 2017, she has been immersed in researching and learning about the work of graphic recording, and has learnt from different graphic visual recording masters in the United States, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. She wishes to take this opportunity to integrate her love for art into her own profession, and try to use different methods to introduce visual elements into her facilitating and coaching process. She is passionate in stimulating the creativity of individuals and teams, and designing how to effectively apply visual methods to daily learning, thinking and group conversations for clients.
Amy has more than 20 years of regional corporate learning and talent development experience in many multinational companies in various industries. She is qualified as the CertifiedTM Professional Facilitator (issued by the International Association of Facilitators (IAF)) and the Associate Certified Coach (issued by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)). She now serves as the President of the IAF Hong Kong Chapter, which is committed to actively promoting and supporting the practice of professional process guidance in Hong Kong. She is also awarded as one of the key facilitators and designers of the 2019 IAF Facilitation Impact Award: Platinum Award.
Amy Chan 是一位專業引導師丶企業教練和視像記錄師。自2017年開始,她在開始沉醉於研究和學習有關視象記錄的工作,並向世界各地包括美國、台灣、星加坡和泰國不同風格的視象記錄大師取經。她希望可以藉此機會將她對藝術的喜愛融合於她本身的專業,並嘗試用不同方法把視象元素引進她的引導和教練過程當中。她熱衷於激發個人和團隊的創造力,並為客戶設計如何有效應用視象方法於日常學習、思考和團體對話當中。
Amy在多個行業的許多跨國公司都有超過20年的區域性企業學習和人才發展經驗。她擁有由International Association of Facilitators (IAF)所發出的 CertifiedTM Professional Facilitator 和由 International Coaching Federation (ICF)所發出的 Associate Certified Coach 的資格。她是現任國際引導師協會香港分會會長,該組織致力於積極推廣,支持和推動專業的過程引導在香港的實踐。她還是國際促進者協會(IAF)提交的 2019年白金促進影響獎的主要引導師和設計者之一。