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29 SEPT | HKEJ (Cantonese)
As the former chief of the Hong Kong Observatory, Lam is famous for many things, he is a meteorologist, conservationist and birdwatcher. Mr Lam is also passionate about reducing carbon footprint and often shares his insights on a zero-waste lifestyle. Read more about Lam’s climate change journey in this special TEDx EncompassHK interview in HKEJ.

SEPT 22 | Metro Radio 新城電台知訊台 (Cantonese)
Our Executive Producer Cybil spoke at the show 原來生活好快樂 (Life is so Happy). Listen to the replay:

21 SEPT | RTHK Radio 123 Show (English)
Radio Host Noreen Mir interviewed our curator Olivia about the making of TEDxEncompassHK.
On the web:
Or via facebook live Noreen Mir on RTHK Radio 3
On the web:
Or via facebook live Noreen Mir on RTHK Radio 3

17-18 SEPT | Commercial Radio 商台 903 (Cantonese)
Benita and Cybil represented our team and chatted with Chu Fun 朱薰 on the show 你好o野- What is TEDxEncompassHK and what do we want to achieve? How did they get involved in this TEDx movement?
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