Myrmidon KANGARA
Assistant Curator
Myrmidon is a Final Year Bachelor of Laws Student at the Chinese University. If the major didn’t give it away, she loves writing, and reading (debating too, but we’ll let sleeping dogs lie!) As a former Editor of her High School Magazine (the Blueprint Magazine), a contributor to the Hong Kong Student Law Gazette, and that student who always writes pages upon pages during exams, she uses every opportunity she gets to polish up on her writing and to bring things to life by penning them on paper. Formerly a member of the TEDxCUHK speaker’s Team, Myrmidon reached out to, liaised with and coached two speakers for TEDXCUHK 2019 Event. Later, as Director of the Speakers Team, she led the Team in recruiting and assisting speakers to prepare speeches which best represented their ideas. Myrmidon will be curating this year’s Event. She hopes this opportunity will allow her to make some new great friends (from all your bios, that seems guaranteed), and to support all the great speakers in sharing their ideas.