Truly embodying the semblance of youth leadership, Kamakshi is leading the pack in terms of environmental advocacy. Kamakshi Bhavnani is a 15 year old student of West Island School. She has received recognition by way of awards for her environmental awareness artistry. More importantly, she has caught the attention of countless people, both on online platforms like Climate Action HK where she spells out the urgency of climate change and shares channels followers can support, and in person, during worldwide conservation projects which she has undertaken. She has also founded initiatives like the Youth Ocean Alliance, and makes up the leadership of others, such as Us for Planet where she is Vice President and Hong Kong Ocean Youth, where Kamakshi is project coordinator.
Kamakshi is not only interested in the health of the environment, but also that of its inhabitants. Her initiatives on improving mental health in the youths, advocating for healthier diets, and improving girls’ access to STEM education equally meet her environmental efforts, inspiring equilibrium and universal wellbeing.
It is not so much that we can sleep with greater ease knowing that the next generation, with leaders like Kamakshi, are well aware of the environmental issues that are rife. Rather, we should all be more attentive and active, supporting our shared cause, and fanning the blazes that our indiscretion has caused.
There is no better way to awake from that climatic slumber than to hear Kamakshi share her inspirations, contributions and goals in environmental preservation. Join her at TEDxEncompass, put out the blaze.